one guy trying to understand what it means to follow jesus

Tuesday, May 23


Can we agree that there are more pressing spiritual matters in need of attention than the latest Hanks/Howard film?

It genuinely pains me to see so much concern given to such an incidental issue. Without stating any opinion whatsoever on “The Da Vinci Code” itself, I will say this: I don’t want to stand before God someday and answer for why I spent tremendous amounts of time, energy and effort debating for or against a cultural flash-in-the-pan. There are just too many other worthwhile things I’d rather be doing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To an extent I agree, and originally I was kind of ignoring the whole thing. Then my dad read the book and had serious questions about whether or not Christianity "borrowed" key concepts from older religions. I realized that if my dad, who is well-educated and well-read was having issues with the claims in the book, then maybe I should take it seriously.

Instead of bashing the book or author or foolishly trying to support boycotts of the movie, I've taken this as a great opportunity to strenthen the faith of myself and the youth by studying the history of that time period, including how we got the Bible we have today. When else in history have our youth actually cared to learn about Constantine or the Council of Nicea?

So we've used this cultural phenomenon as a learning experience and it's been beneficial in strengthening the faith of our youth by showing them again that they can trust the Bible and that giving them stronger foundation in the history of their faith. We've tkaen 3 Wednesday nights to do it, and I feel like it was time well spent.

5:42 PM


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