one guy trying to understand what it means to follow jesus

Wednesday, July 12


Okay kids, so I’ve been away for a while. I’m sure you’ve been worried. Probably called the hospitals and asked around to see if anyone’s heard anything. That or you lazily checked the blog once last week, yawned when you saw I haven’t been posting and haven’t thought about it since. Whatever. The point, dear readers, is that you shouldn’t worry about me—I’m fine.

Where have I been? Answer: long story. My chiropractor tells me that I have an inflammation in my back due to poor posture. He tells me this is because I look at the keyboard when typing rather than the screen. That's because I never learned to type. I asked my chiropractor about this because I was feeling a stabbing pain in my left shoulder and pain is rarely fun. Especially when it's stabbing pain.


To fix the problem, I have to learn to type, which sucks. It’s slow and annoying and I find myself wanting to avoid doing things that require me to type (like posting to my blog) because I lack the patience to do it the right way.

Typing as I always have (cheating), I can whip out about 85 words a minute. Not bad. I’ve been working on this post since last Thursday.

But no more excuses. Even if it kills me, I will learn to type…and I will continue to post. Though the posts may be less wordy for a while. You know, just a month or two. And then back to my verbose, wordy, overly-expressed self.

You can hardly wait.


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